Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Monday

Monday was a day of rest for me. It was a day that I spent catching up on some sleep, learning the Teso Language, (no I don't have it mastered) and Skyping with some friends back home. By the way, my Skype name is "tomcoxokc" in case any one wants to call. I'm not always available, but when time allows, it is good to speak to you back home.

Learning the Teso Language is very hard for me. They sat me down with a children's book. It was kind of like "See Jack run". I was, however, able to read the book. And with the help of the pictures, I can tell you what it is saying. The thing is, they seem to put what they are doing ahead of who is doing it. I'm told that this is a lot like the Spanish Language, but I wouldn't know. The only languages I am fluent in is Redneck English, Okie, and some English. So pray for me in this endeavor. I need lots of prayers for this to happen.

The guard dogs here are getting used to me. They don't bark at me anymore, but I still haven't dared to pet them. It seems there is not a Teso word for pet. They just laugh when I try to describe petting the dogs. By the way, the dogs names are Blackie, Hitler, No Name, and No Name. I have been advised just to say "Blackie" if I am ever outside when they are loose. Hope I never have to try that! They made it clear that that only works when you are from within the compound, not from without.

Well, Yogo Do for now.

Tom Cox

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